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I always encourage my clients to create a Personal Declaration statement or Personal Mission statement. I believe that investing time in creating an empowering Personal Statement is one of the most important investments one can make.


Because, if you don’t know what you want or what you stand for in life, how can you expect to have an awesome life?

It’s like going out for a road trip without any direction. Yes, you might experience great moments in your life, but at some point, you will ask yourself… where am I going? What should I be doing to get there?

A Personal Statement (PS) will:

  • help you to tap in to who you really are - at your core. It represents your own truth, your values, your hopes and dreams.

  • help to set you free from social conditioning. When you lose the fear of the opinion of others, you will no longer be a sheep and a powerful roar will rise from your heart.

  • give you clarity, a reason for being. It’s a reminder of what you stand for in life. It gives you focus and eliminates unnecessary clutter.

  • help you to start each day with the end in mind and support your goals in a creative ways.

This is because a PS is a direct contract between you and the universe (God, Higher-Self). It’s a declaration that you make for a short or long term. It’s a commitment that you can’t ‘cheat’ on, as there really is no one to cheat but yourself.

A PS is a powerful tool for making changes in your belief system, to develop new systems and/or to get rid of old ones.

The voice of a PS is much more powerful than the conditioning social voice.

A PS is an on going document that can change and evolve as you ‘grow’ as a human being. The things that were important to you five years ago may no longer be pertinent and that’s brilliant! (It means you are progressing and growing!).

For example, all my life I’ve been terrified of public speaking. I love the idea of speaking to big audiences but I have hated myself for letting fear stand between me and my dream.

One of the elements of my PS is to become an inspirational public speaker and although it was quite a stressful idea, after 150 hours of training I’m starting to feel the beauty and enjoyment of being on stage.

But writing a PS and leaving it in a drawer has little use. You need to read it every day until it's totally ingrained in your belief system.

Here are five things to keep in mind before your create your own PS:

  • Be bold. Don’t let your fears limit you. Your limiting beliefs are your own limitation!

  • Dream big. Ask yourself: if you knew that you couldn’t fail, what would you do? Guess what: do it!

  • Give it time. Make sure that you really mean every sentence that you write.

  • Be hungry for coaching. Ask family and friends for support. Hire a coach to help you see what you can’t see.

  • Keep it simple. Use bullet points.

These are a few questions that will help you create your Personal Statement:

  • If I had unlimited time and resources and I knew I could not fail, what would I choose to do?

  • My favourite quotes and sayings are…

  • What I know for sure is…

  • What makes me happy is…

  • What I believe to be true is…

  • I am at my best when…

  • I feel proud of myself when…

  • My natural talents and gifts are…

  • What would I like people to say about me on my 80th birthday…?

  • What do I want my biggest future contribution to the most important people in my life to be…?

  • What are my values…?

  • What is most important to me…?

  • What goals would I like to achieve this year…?

Here is my Personal Statement as an example, so you have an idea of what a PS should look like:


I am important. I have important work to do.

I have been given life for a reason. I will honour that reason.

I am on a mission. I fulfil my mission. I live my mission.

I speak from my heart. I live from my values.

My values are the basis for respect, decisions, and action.

I seek to understand. I seek to learn. I constantly invest in my education.

I learn from my mistakes.

I focus my energy on the things that make me feel good.

I celebrate my micro successes.

I ALWAYS seek happiness and meaning in everything I do in life.


Every morning start your day by reading your Personal Statement. It will set your energy for the rest of the day. Do this until it is ingrained in your system. Remember, you need to read your PS with POWER and CONVICTION. You need to FEEL and BELIEVE the POWER of each sentence. If it doesn’t make you buzz, you are not tapping into your heart.

One day, not long after you start reading your PS, you will notice how awesome your life is. You will love the extra power you will have as a consequence of living with a PS.

If you need support with your PS, email a copy of it to:, and I’ll come back with some comments and suggestions.

So, what’s next? ACTION. Get going!

To your Personal Statement!

Nico Curia

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